
"Like New"

We are usually suspicious when things are described as "like new." What do you mean, like new? What's keeping it from being new?

In our case, it's a total of 8 entries over the course of almost two years. Go on and laugh if you want, but several things have happened in this little Catholic's life over that time. I've been a newlywed; I've taken classes toward my master's in theology; I've gotten pregnant and been si-ick; I've had a beautiful baby boy, Kolbe David; I've been a new mom. And now, I'm looking for a job.

So no promises can be made as to the frequency of blogs from here on out, but I will certainly try to do better than in the past (really, not that hard to beat, is it?). Does that make this the re-birth of a blog? I believe it was Nicodemus who was troubled by this type of chatter.

May this blog somehow help you and me to grow closer to Christ as part of His Body, the Church, by putting into words our troubles and thoughts and growing closer as a community.

At least, that's the idea. Here's hoping the Lord gives us the grace to actually, you know, keep up with it.

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