

You see how Monica is contemplating with her son just at the top of the left column there?

Now I get to do that! Yep, I'm pregnant! And as long as the child is within me, I get to rub my tummy area and think about the greatness of the Lord and his gifts to us. Nothing is more apparent to me than that a pregnancy is in God's active will. I mean, either He gives the child its own soul (which mom and dad cannot give) or He doesn't, in which case you aren't pregnant. God wanted this for my husband and I, and we're both so grateful to Him for giving such a wonderful gift!

I long to hold my child in my arms, but I long even more for this child's salvation. So one thing that has hit me pretty hard is that I need to be a whole bunch holier than I am right now. Such a blessing that this comes during Lent!

More to come later. In the meantime, please rejoice with me over this wonderful little one, and pray that he develops healthily into a beautiful child of God... the son of a holier set of parents than we are right now!

God bless,


Not the Best...

I'm admittedly not in a place to be writing to you about faith or how to live a good Christian life. I am in dire need of Lent, a time of preparation for Easter.

O Lord, please inspire any who might read this to humility, increased faith, and trust in your loving mercy. Grant that I might join in this inspiration for a fruitful Lenten season.

I pray that the Lord will push me to post more frequently during this special time of year.
